

What you need to know before proceeding when buying ebooks

Please ensure you purchase for the correct device , these purchases are non-transferable.

  • eg. Please make sure that you choose the correct epub or epdf for your device

E-Books are non-refundable, please make sure you choose the correct book.

*NB* Only add the individual books you require.

Duplicates will not be refunded.

If you are a first time buyer with the eStore, sign up before purchasing with the Snapplify powered eStore.

Please be aware there are several licencing options available for some items , for example some items may differ in price or length of the licence period, these variations depend on the licence type.

For a more convenient shopping experience , have a look to see if your booklist is available on the e-store.

  • The App is available for IOS, Android, Windows and Mac OS - downloads available via the eStore.

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